Outreach New Media

August 21, 2009

Author Answers: Is Social Media a Fad?

Eric Qualman helped illustrate the topic of his recent book, Socialnomics, by producing the YouTube video, “Social Media Revolution” (see below).

I’ve been telling all sorts of businesspeople lately that if someone is already spending X-amount of dollars on traditional advertising, such as on TV, cable, or print, it’s time to take at least half that money and spend it on social media marketing.

One of the clearest examples of great usage of social media was in Denver, where several restaurants were offering free food to anyone coming to their establishments … the catch? You simply were asked to Twitter your review about the food and the place.Twitter, by the way, allows for just 140 characters per tweet (message), so how hard is that?

The advertising costs for these Denver restaurants and their Twitter campaign was simply the price of food they cooked up that night, labor they normally would already be paying to serve food, and the time spent monitoring their Twitter accounts.

I’ve even read from reputable sources that social media is the bridge that may lead our country out of the current recession. We can only wait and see whether this thought turns into reality … meanwhile, be social!

Alex Murashko, the founder of Outreach New Media, has been helping people get their message out for more than 16 years.

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